Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Website Layout

I have modified the layout of jimhi to be user friendly. It still has a bit of improvement to be had, but at least you can find pages other than the start one now!

I shall put a feature in the site which puts it back into ridiculous interaction mode soon.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Very basic Makefile for LaTeX documents

So I wanted to make a basic makefile for my tex documents, so I took the Makefile from and modified it to be amazingly simple.

Heres the Make file:


LATEX= latex
BIBTEX= bibtex
DVIPS= dvips
PS2PDF= ps2pdf

SRC := $(shell egrep -l '^[^%]*\\begin\{document\}' *.tex | sed -e 's/.tex//')
TRG = $(SRC).dvi
PSF = $(SRC).ps

all : pdf

dvi :
  $(LATEX) $(SRC) && $(BIBTEX) $(SRC) && $(LATEX) $(SRC) && $(LATEX) $(SRC)

ps : dvi
  $(DVIPS) $(TRG)

pdf : ps
  $(PS2PDF) $(PSF)

clean :
  rm *.bbl *.aux *.blg *.dvi *.log *pdf *.ps

Fairly simple and lets you choose your toolchain.