Friday, 30 July 2010

Cyber Security Challenge

To all those interested, here is a copy of my email with my solution.

To whom it may concern,

Decoded this from the last challenge!

Congratulations  youve found and completed the REAL challenge. Your win
code is  cyb3r=s3cur1ty*ch@ll3nge+26-07-2010.

Please email this code to our team at If youre the first person to do so,
and can prove you meet the eligibility criteria (British citizen
currently resident in the UK) we will be in touch to advise how to claim
your prize. Well done and good luck in the Cyber Security Challenge
competitions taking place throughout the rest of the year

Figured I would go through the process:

Task one

Copied the data into a file.
Created the following perl script:

use MIME::Base64;

    print decode_base64($_);

I then piped the data through the script into another file
$ cat data | ./ > output

At a hunch, checked if it was an image.
$ evince output


Task two

Noticed the squiggles, zoomed in a lot and noticed it covered 2 pixel
strips, so converted the image to a bitmap, then created a very hacky C
file to grab the data (after checking the wiki page for the file format).
It is quite hacky, but combined with an online binary to ascii
converter, worked well.
The C file was as follows:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void * imgdata;
int datao(int x, int y);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

  FILE * fp;
  int w, h, o, off, i;
  int r, g, b, re;

  //Read binary data
  fp = fopen("output.bmp", "rb");

  fseek(fp, 0x0a, SEEK_SET);
  o = getc(fp);
  printf("1\n", o);

  off = o + 1052 * 173;
  fseek(fp, off, SEEK_SET);
  for(i = 0; i < 350; i++){
    r = getc(fp);
    g = getc(fp);
    b = getc(fp);
    if (r+g+b > 600)
      re = 1;
      re = 0;

      printf("%d", re);
      printf("%d", re);
  printf("\n2\n", o);

  //section section
  for(i = 3; i <= 172; i++){
    off = o + (1052 * i) + 1047;
    fseek(fp, off, SEEK_SET);
    r = getc(fp);
    g = getc(fp);
    b = getc(fp);
    if (r+g+b > 600)
      re = 0;
      re = 1;

      printf("%d", re);
      printf("%d", re);

  printf("\n3\n", o);

  //third section
  off = o;
  for(i = 349; i >= 0 ; i--){
    fseek(fp, off + (i*3), SEEK_SET);
    r = getc(fp);
    g = getc(fp);
    b = getc(fp);
    if (r+g+b > 600)
      re = 0;
      re = 1;

      printf("%d", re);
      printf("%d", re);
  printf("\n4\n", o);

  //forth section
  for(i = 172; i >= 3; i--){
    off = o + (1052 * i) + 3 ;
    fseek(fp, off, SEEK_SET);
    r = getc(fp);
    g = getc(fp);
    b = getc(fp);
    if (r+g+b > 600)
      re = 0;
      re = 1;

      printf("%d", re);
      printf("%d", re);

  return 0;

//offst from data start
int datao(int x, int y){

  int width = 350;
  int height = 175;

  int offset = (y * width * 3) + x*3;
  return offset;

- From this I got the following text:
Cyrnfr sbyybj guvf yvax:

Which after running through the following perl script:


use MIME::Base64;

  $_ =~ tr/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/;
  print $_;

Which led me to ...

Task three

This one was tricky. I looked for ascii values on the data, reversed,
big endian, little endian, looked for 7bit data compacted into 8, 7bit
and parity (odd/even) and then only looking at bits which passed the test.

Early on I noticed there were no '3's in the data, but didn't see the
shocking clue.

Then I tried some basic frequency analysis, but as there were 56 unique
entries it was probably a polyalphabetic cypher if it was. Tried the
kasiski technique, ended up with random numbers, but tried none the
less. I was convinced that the page name was a key, or something simple,
like "cypher". Alas, it was not true. Whilst looking at the binary for
the 500th time looking for patterns of shifts which you could be
employing, but finally I saw the solution. Turns out I was doing the
rookie mistake of starting out complex.

Following is the ruby file used to decode the data:

class Cypherc

    attr_accessor :bytearray, :rawdata

    def initialize

        rawdata =



        @rawdata = rawdata

        bytearray = []

        (0 ... rawdata.size/2).each do |i|

            bytearray &lt;&lt; "0x#{rawdata.slice!(0,2)}"


        @bytearray = bytearray



    def differencekeysize(length)

        diff = []

        initial = @bytearray[0]

        (1...@bytearray.size).each do |i|

            if (i%length &lt; 1)

                d = Integer(@bytearray[i]) - Integer(initial)

                initial = @bytearray[i]

                diff &lt;&lt; d



        return diff


    def asciicharacters

        ac = {}

        (0...@bytearray.size).each do |i|

            if(Integer(bytearray[i]) &lt; 128)

                puts "#{i} : #{@bytearray[i]}"

                ac[i] = @bytearray[i]



        return ac


    def paritycheck(byte, type = 1)

        #number of 1s

        binary = Integer(byte)

        tocheck = binary &amp; 0x7f

        par = binary &gt;&gt; 7

        ones = 0

        (0..7).each { |i|

            ones += tocheck &amp; 0x01

            tocheck = tocheck &gt;&gt; 1


        ok = false

        if(type == 1)

            if par == 1 and ones.odd?

                ok = true

            elsif par == 0 and ones.even?

                ok = true


        elsif(type == 2)

            if par == 1 and ones.even?

                ok = true

            elsif par == 0 and ones.odd?

                ok = true



        return ok


    def bitvalue(byte)

        return byte &amp; 0x7f


    def diffscan(index)

        diffs = []

        tocheck = @bytearray[index]

        (index+1 ... @bytearray.size).each{|b|

            diffs &lt;&lt; Integer(@bytearray[b]) - Integer(tocheck)


        return diffs


    def ngrams(n)

        bins = {}

        (0...@bytearray.size - n).each { |i|

            key = @bytearray.slice(i, n).to_s

            if bins[key].nil?

                bins[key] = 1


                bins[key] += 1



        return bins



    def bincheck

        bins = {}

        ks = 10

        (0 ... rawdata.size/ks).each {|i|

            bins[i] = rawdata.slice(ks*i, ks)

            t = []

            (0 ... bins[i].size/2).each do |j|

                t &lt;&lt; "0x#{bins[i].slice(j*2,2)}"


            bins[i] = t


        comp = []

        bins.each{ |k,v| comp &lt;&lt; bins[k][0] }


    def shiftbits(byte)

        binary = Integer(byte)

        bottom = binary &gt;&gt; 5

        top = (binary &amp; 0x1f) &lt;&lt; 3

        return bottom ^ top


    def decode

        @bytearray.each { |b|

            print "#{shiftbits(b).chr}"




c =


Those are my workings, 3 hours on the steg stuff probably, and much too
long on the last challenge.

Looking forward to more challenges :-)

Carl Ellis

Friday, 23 July 2010

Cardiff and Lands End

So I decided to go on a week long tour of the good bit of the south, namely, the southwest. First though, a stop off at Cardiff to see an old friend.

As Cardiff had been explored before, and I had the car, first on the list of places to go was a pilgrimage to Barry Island, the place where every Welshman should be scarred with. Not quite sure why it is called an Island, as it was inside a cove, but those southern welshies are fairly off most of the time, like those Taven Ferry folk. Apart from children, dodgy amusements, fish and chip shops, and a dirty beach, there really wasn't much there. Some nice photo opportunities though, soon to be on my public Picasa profile. After a scramble up the headland, we decided to go and find a real beach!

The first one we hit ... had a power station firmly attached to it. Nice. So biting the bullet we continued westward, edging towards Bridgend. Luckily, before we hit that town a sign for Southerndown Beach. This was a brilliant little surfer beach and had some excellent photo spots from atop the cliffs and within the ruined castle on the opposite hilltop. As above, photos incoming.

Finally, we head back to Cardiff for food, narrowly missing the general 10pm restaurant deadline by a mere 45min, we opted for Dominos pizza. Dropping the car off in a 24hour place, I then endured the scariest walk of my life to the flat. Cardiff is scary compared to little old Lancaster, deserted hilltops, dense woodland, etc.

After that, I left for Cornwall! First stop was Newquay and a cliff walk from Watergate Bay to Porth, which was stunning! If you want to learn to surf, this seems like the place. Next day I moved towards a small village called Treen, near Penzance, via most of the southern coast. Amazing little village called Mousehole, where on the beach people had stacked rather flimsy towers of beach rocks, ready to be washed by the tide. It was like an art installation, but seemed so natural.

Treen has a history about it, near its headland is what is called the Logain Stone, which you can rock with your hands due to fine balance! Or you used to be able to, until some chap from the navy in the 1800s decided he wanted to prove the navy could topple it. After much complain by the local tourism industry, he paid to have it put back, but it has never rocked as easily since, which is something I can attest to after daring the rather leery scramble to the rock.

Next day found me at Lands End, doing the usual touristy stuff, but I did get some dirty looks off passers by as I did some undaring bouldering to get a good photo. Then to St. Ives to wonder the streets.

Today back to Newquay, and a day at the Eden Project. Brilliant place, if a little inundated with small children, but then, it is for them. Big kids have to fit in I suppose! After chilling out in Watergate Bay again, Im in the pub writing this (Cornish Ale has nothing compared to Lancastrian). Tomorrow, I go bouldering at Carn Brea. Woo. Then back into the Shire.

EDIT: Photos available here.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Battery Monitor

I use a rather spartan windowing manager called awesome in all of my machines. This has been a fine setup until I used it on my netbook due to one small issue, battery monitors.

On my desktop machines and the laptop I use gkrellm to monitor cpu and memory and for the laptop it has a handy battery usage label. With the netbook however, screen real estate is quite valuable, so I opted for finding something to sit in the system tray.

After a quick look it seems there was nothing which was lightweight or simple or not requiring me to install the entirety of gnome.

In the end I made my own called rbatmon, then packaged it up for use in the AUR. If you have a substandard flavour of linux, not to worry, You can grab the script from my githib page here.

The most interesting challenge of this was building a package for the first time. There is a great package for Archlinux called abs (available on pacman) which fills /usr/share/pacman with some example PKGBUILDS for standard sources of gettings code from VCS's.

Page on my site regarding this is here.

AUR page is here.