Monday 27 September 2010

Conference season

September time is conference time it seems and I am currently at UbiComp2010. The UCSE2010 workshop convened yesterday which was very successful and discussion driven.

One of the main technical company sponsor was in the workshop, Autodesk, and gave an interesting talk on how they are opening their whole building's Building Information Model(BIM) to the internet. I would point you to Digital 210 King for more information.

2 weeks ago I was at IPIN, which was hosted for the first time at ETH Zurick. Very successful conference, with lots of content (200+ talks!).

For all those interested, I am putting my slides on slideshare, those being my IPIN talk (30 min ish) and my UCSE talk (5 min). The UCSE presentation has had a slide removed for confidentiality reasons, so the short presentation is even shorter.

Please navigate to to view.


Monday 13 September 2010

New Article on Jimhi

I've wrote a small article on my site, about the architecture and motivation behind my site.
More of a meta-article really.

It is pretty short, simple, and written at 2am.
